There are plenty of bank instruments available for you that you can monetize or fund or invest in which provide you a lot of benefits in terms of your business. The most used bank instruments can be known as – SBLC or the standby letter of credit, Letter of Credit or the LOC, Bank Guarantee, Cheques, and many others.
When it comes to monetizing any kind of ban instruments, the best thing about the monetization is that it has helps you in terms of the business you are leading both internationally and nationally.
About the requirements, we will need the following documents:
Client Information Sheet + Passport Copy, accompanied with BR & ROC (Board Resolution & Registrars of Companies cert.) since it has to be a corporate client. This is compulsory. Full documentation of the bank instrument (BG / SBLC).
A scan clear color copy of the instrument or screen shot showing the ISIN number if applicable and if the instrument is registered on Euro clear and or Bloomberg ~ it is always very helpful.
If the instrument has not been issued ~ we need an Authorization to verify the asset backing the instrument and a Proof of asset (if available). We will check all the documentations and if necessary, we will look it via Bloomberg. We will not do it via Screen to Screen.
You can monetize your bank guarantee or BG for –
- Cash
- PPP or Private Placement Programme
- Hybrid of Immediate Cash and funds in a Trade Programme